Sexual Harassment /
Discrimination Reporting
(Title IX)

District Title IX Staff
The Title IX Coordinator has the duty to address sexual violence and remedy the effects on the victim and the school community. The Coordinator will make every effort to maintain confidentiality but may be required to investigate the incident.

Ms. Holly Lara
Phone: 307-532-2171
Complaint Process
Click here to find the following:
  • 4119.5 Sexual Discrimination/ Harassment – Policy

Complaint Form

Click here to find the following:
  • 4119.5 Sexual Discrimination/ Harassment - Witness Disclosure Form (Ex 1)
  • 4119.5 Sexual Discrimination/ Harassment - Complaint Form (Ex 2)

Training Documents

Law Enforcement
GCSD1 encourages reporting possible crimes to law enforcement. Please be advised that criminal processes are independent of GCSD1. Even when a report has been made to law enforcement, employees are required to make a report to the Title IX Coordinator; all others are encouraged to report to the district as well.

Please be advised that criminal processes are independent of the Goshen County School District.

  • Emergency: 911
  • City of Torrington Police Department: 307-532-7001
  • City of Lingle Police Department: 307-837-2422
  • Goshen County Sheriff’s Office: 307-532-4026

Responsible Employees
Many employees (principals, teachers, school personnel, administrators, directors, coaches, etc.) are able to offer emotional support to victims and help direct them to appropriate resources. Responsible employees, upon receiving notice of sexual misconduct, are required by law to notify the Title IX Coordinator the details of sexual misconduct. At GCSD1, ALL EMPLOYEES are considered responsible employees.